Eco Warrior
XR Physical Prototyping

5 Weeks
(Spring 2024)

Adobe PS/Ai/AE

Carissa Chou
3D Modeling
Brand Design
Experience Design
Interaction Design
Lo-Fi Prototyping
Motion Graphics
Physical Prototyping

OverviewEco Warrior is a spatial intervention designed at East End Food Co-Op, a community-based grocery store in PGH. The experience seeks to encourage shoppers to build sustainable habits on an individual level through multiple actionable nudges by making more educated choices within their shopping experience. The scale is reimagined as an entry point to an informational and educational experience in which users can learn about different aspects of the product they pick up.  

Research Question

How might we encourage shoppers to build 
sustainable habits on an individual level?
Our problem space tackles food sustainability at the individual level. We identified grocery store shoppers as our target audience, researching local Pittsburgh grocery stores and organizations that are currently engaging with this issue. The East End Food Co-Op provided an opportunity to expand to a community level, in which the co-op is owned by the community. We sought to change individual habits by intervening at the most micro level because we recognized that most people fail to identify sustainable options in the first place. We believed this area would have the most impact to start and facilitate a conversation.

Concept Video



We conducted on-site research at the East End Food Co-Op by conducting interviews with various users. We specifically sought insight from both workers and customers to learn more about why people shopped specifically at the Co-Op and what kind of information and experience they wanted.


User Journey

Creative Technology

Physical Prototyping

We created a physical prototype for the scale through 3D printing. Utilizing Arduino, force sensors are located at each corner of the scale and the middle, which inputs if contact is made with the area. This data is sent to the computer, which lights up in response to the location. In connection with the screen, users can select the category of information they want to learn more about.

1. Introduction

Placing the product on the scale triggers the display. Along with the scale, the character encourages you to learn more by tapping on a part of the wheel.

2. Selection

The load bar will fill up when holding down in an area. The category will be selected once the load bar is complete.

3. Information

An animation will play depicting the chosen information. Once viewed, users can select another category to view.


1. Tree of Lights

The Tree of Lights is a physical installation located at the entrance/exit of the store. The lights on this tree acts as an opportunity to see your personal contribution to the sustainability initiative, as well as seeing the collective progress of the community. 

2. Scale

It acts as an entry point to an informational and educational experience in which users can learn about different aspects of the product they pick up. This interaction serves to help users make more educated choices within their shopping experience.

3. Shopping Cart Handle

Once they place items into their cart, the handle will reflect in real-time the average emissions saved in the entire cart. The handle serves as a touchpoint throughout the experience to be mindful of your purchases.